Crazy Pill

We know them when we see them, and they’re everywhere.We spot them across the room at family gatherings. We sense them walking down the street in our neighborhood. And we go to great lemgths to dodge them at the office. Why? Because we’re convinced thy’ve taken the crazy pill. In this study, Ed Young peels back the label on the bottle of crazy pills in our world. And as he looks into what drives us crazy, what keeps us there and how to deal with the crazy people in our lives, he shows us that being crazy isn’t always bad if we’re crazy for the right things.

Crazy Faith

Crazy Faith

In this five-session video Bible study (video streaming included), bestselling author and pastor Michael Todd reveals how to step out in faith and dive into the purposeful life of trusting God for the impossible.

There are many things that seem normal today that at one point in time seemed crazy. History-making inventions that started out as crazy ideas. People who risked everything to stand up for what they believed. But our see-it-to-believe-it generation tends to have a hard time exercising true faith—one that steps out, takes action, and sees mountain-moving results. Many of us would rather play it safe and stand on the sidelines. But it’s crazy faith that helps us see God move and reveals his promises.

5 Sessions