


Begins Wednesday, January 15, 2020; 6:30 PM |Building E, Room 1

Interested in photography? Want to learn how to get better?

Join others just like you. We’ll cover topics such as:

Getting to know your camera and gear

Understanding Photo Modes.

Shot Composition



Q&A and more.

Great for all experience levels beginners to pros. Bring your camera and join our growing photography community.

We’ll meet every Wednesdays at 6:30pm for 6-weeks starting January 15th.

The meet up will be held at Journey Church Pineville, Building E, Upstairs Room 1.

If you miss a session, no problem! Join when you can.

To register call/text Josh Poe 318-715-7404


Journey Church Pineville | Building E, Room 1

2900 Donahue Ferry Rd.

Pineville, LA 71360

Sign Up!