How often do you feel pressure to conform to things that don’t match your biblical beliefs? Do you sometimes find yourself hesitant to take a strong public stand for God, afraid that your beliefs will be belittled?

As the world’s values drift further and further away from God’s Word, we face more and more temptations to compromise our faith, or we simply find it difficult to live out our beliefs because they are so counter to the culture we live in.

Have you ever felt pressured to make choices that don’t align with your values? As the world’s values continue to drift, you need to be equipped with the biblical knowledge to handle whatever life throws at you.

The Unshakable series follows the life of Daniel and offers practical lessons from his story that will help you stand firm in your beliefs. You’ll learn the same biblical principles that guided Daniel through difficult situations. These principles will help you make godly choices when you feel pressured to conform in hostile circumstances. You’ll learn how to publicly stand strong for God, and how to pray the kind of prayers that God answers.

8 Sessions